5 Worthy Charities to Donate to for Climate Change

Jon Tyrell

Jon Tyrell

NGOs at the forefront of environmental sustainability stand out as worthy charities to donate to. Climate change is a danger to our planet that requires even more donation and emphasis. We are all impacted by the global problem of climate change. Rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and food scarcity have significant consequences for both humans and the planet’s ecosystems.


Charities to donate to
Charities to donate to


  • The Climate Group urges companies to commit to utilizing only renewable energy.
  • 350.org holds authorities accountable all across the world to take climate change action.


What are the top climate change charities to donate to?

As individuals, one way we can make a positive impact is by supporting organizations dedicated to addressing climate change. Several individual advocates and nonprofit organizations are working to combat this global threat. Here are five worthy climate change charities to donate to. 

1. The Climate Group

The Climate Group is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating climate action. Their work focuses on driving the transition to a net-zero emissions world through advocacy, policy, and partnerships.

The organization’s campaigns, such as RE100, EV100, and EP100, encourage businesses to commit to using 100% renewable energy, transitioning to electric vehicles, and improving energy productivity, respectively. By supporting The Climate Group, you can contribute to creating a more sustainable future by encouraging businesses to reduce their carbon footprints.

2. 350.org

350.org is a grassroot organization that works to reduce carbon emissions and fight climate change. The aim is to build a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis.

350.org works to hold leaders accountable and mobilize people worldwide to take action on climate change. They also work to divest from fossil fuels and advocate for renewable energy. By donating to 350.org, you can help support their campaigns and help create a more sustainable world. This is one of the worthy charities to donate to if you want to join the fight against climate change.

3. Natural Resources Defense Council

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is an American non-profit organization that works to protect the environment and wildlife. Their work focuses on issues such as climate change, clean energy, and sustainable communities. NRDC uses science, law, and advocacy to create solutions that work for both people and the planet. By donating to NRDC, you can support their efforts to reduce carbon emissions and create a cleaner, healthier environment.

4. The Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is one of the United States‘ oldest and most significant environmental groups. Founded in 1892, the organization has a long history of advocating for the protection of wild places and wildlife. Today, their work focuses on climate change, clean energy, and protecting public lands. The Sierra Club’s programs, such as the Beyond Coal campaign, aim to reduce carbon emissions by transitioning to clean energy. By donating to the Sierra Club, you can support their efforts to protect the planet and fight climate change.

5. The Carbon Literacy Project

The Carbon Literacy Project is a UK-based charity that provides carbon literacy education to individuals and organizations. Their mission is to create a more sustainable future by empowering people to take action on climate change.

The organization’s project courses include topics such as climate science, carbon footprints, and sustainable lifestyles. By supporting the Carbon Literacy Project, you can contribute to creating a more sustainable future by educating people on the importance of reducing carbon emissions.


Many charities and organizations are working to address climate change. By supporting these organizations through donations, volunteering, or advocacy, you can contribute to creating a more sustainable future for our planet and future generations.

If you are looking for charities to donate to, consider donating to one of these organizations. Together, we can make a positive impact on the fight against climate change.

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