Top Five Volunteer Organizations in the United States

Cersai Stark

Cersai Stark

There are thousands of NGOs that totally rely on the input of volunteers. This applies even more to volunteer organizations. In the United States alone, one in every four people undertakes voluntary activities each year, resulting in increased service hours over time. Also, another study revealed that in 2020 and 2021, Americans volunteered 4.1 billion hours which amounts to $122.9 billion.


volunteer organizations
volunteer organizations



  • Volunteer organizations effectively thrive through the support of volunteers
  • Volunteers perform critical roles in many aspects of nonprofit activity, from corporate work to community programs


Top Volunteer Organizations in the US

Volunteering has become one of the most significant ways to impact people and communities. Likewise, volunteer organizations have contributed to the development of nations. In this article, we will consider some of the most outstanding volunteer organizations in the US.

1. Volunteers of America 

Volunteers of America support individuals in need to enable them to live their best lives. Some of the organization’s initiatives focus on housing, healthcare, and human services. With over 16,000 volunteers working to improve the life of people and communities, Volunteers of America assists 1.5 million people each year. The organization is also one of the US’s largest and most recognized nonprofits. “Volunteers of America” is a faith-based nonprofit founded in 1896 and offers its support program in 46 states.

2. Global Volunteers

Global Volunteers employs an innovative approach to human and economic development. The organization uses volunteers, the world’s infinitely renewable resource, to accelerate change. Simultaneously, these volunteers work under the leadership of capable local leaders. Global Volunteers leverage volunteers to create, nurture, and sustain the well-being of children and families across the globe. The organization provides essential services in homes, classrooms, clinics, community centers, hospitals, and orphanages, among others.

3. VolunteerMatch 

VolunteerMatch connects nonprofits with highly qualified volunteers. By and large, the organization since 1988 has leveraged technology to assist the social sector in delivering over $14 billion in volunteer time. VolunteerMatch supports thousands of NGOs and a million eager volunteers each month. Also, the legacy corporate volunteering product, YourMatch, has earned over $40 million in mission-related revenue. VolunteerMatch is an award-winning volunteer organization that has evolved to become the web’s largest and most popular volunteer recruiting platform.

4. Peace Corps 

Peace Corps connects talented, committed volunteers with host communities in over 60 countries for service opportunities. Likewise, volunteers live and work alongside community residents on locally focused projects to enhance community development. The organization also supports its volunteers who constantly receive stipends alongside other benefits.

5. Youth Service America (YSA)

YSA leverages collaboration to promote youth development. The global nonprofit empowers young individuals between the ages of 5 to 25. By and large, the goal is to empower young people to discover their voice, take action, and develop civic and 21st-century skills to solve community problems. Also, one of YSA’s primary program initiatives is to encourage youth volunteers to engage in national days of service.


To sum up, volunteer organizations effectively thrive on the support of volunteers, as most NGOs rely on these individuals to carry out their missions. Even more, volunteers perform critical roles in many aspects of nonprofit activity, from corporate work to community programs.

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