What is a Nonprofit Investment Strategy?

Cersai Stark

Cersai Stark

Some nonprofits frequently run on a tight budget to accomplish their goals. Others just opt for saving reserved funds in the bank. However, an investment strategy constitutes a crucial need for all nonprofits. Given the present rates of inflation, your money is probably losing value if left in a savings account, money market, or certificate of deposit. The prospect of your cash depreciating is enough to signal that it’s time to invest.


Investment strategy
Investment strategy


  • An investment strategy is a requisite for nonprofits seeking to retain financial sustainability.
  • Organizations seeking to get more out of their reserves or combat inflation should consider an investment strategy. 


What is a nonprofit Investment strategy?

A nonprofit investment strategy can be defined as a plan. This plan outlines how a nonprofit will manage its investments to meet its financial objectives while staying true to its purpose and core values. Now more than ever, an investment strategy is a requisite for nonprofits. This is especially true for those seeking to retain financial sustainability while ensuring assets are used effectively to support their programs and objectives. 

By adhering to best practices such as seeking the advice of an investment manager and prioritizing your nonprofit goals and objectives, you can create successful investing strategies that serve your mission and achieve long-term financial sustainability. 

Nonprofit Investment Strategy: Where to Begin

In this section, we will consider the various factors an organization can look into when choosing to plan an investment strategy. 

a. Examine investment options 

To begin with, examine several investment options thoroughly. Afterward, weigh its advantages and disadvantages in connection to the particular financial objectives of your nonprofit. 

For instance, investing in Treasury Bills, Bonds, or money markets could be a good option if you’re looking to lower your risk and preserve liquidity in your reserve funds. However, if you intend to increase them over time, you might want to consider securities and endowment strategies that are more growth-oriented.

b. Get donors involved

Secondly, examine the various ways your nonprofit might leverage the investment options. In this case, you may request that significant contributors fund the endowment of your organization. Your organization can then retain the principal contributions made to the fund and use them for investments to expand. Afterward, on a predetermined basis, a certain amount of money (often from the earnings on your initial investment) is taken out to pay predetermined expenditures.

c. Seek recommendations

Lastly, you will need to consult a nonprofit investing advisor for direction and advice. This is after you’ve thought through the investment possibilities available to your nonprofit. You can receive recommendations depending on your financial objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizons. 

Nonprofit governance also entails investing, which needs to be done thoughtfully and carefully. Hence, it is best to find out whether the investment manager or advisor has ever worked with nonprofit organizations. Ensure your investment advisor is aware of the specific financial circumstances nonprofits face. This includes those pertaining to restricted funds, fund accounting procedures and other matters. Upon verification, you can begin gathering the paperwork required to open an investing account on your nonprofit’s behalf.


Any organization that wants to get more out of its reserves or is seeking to combat inflation should consider an investment strategy. For a nonprofit, there is a need to consider investing objectives. Also, evaluate how they can be used in conjunction with successful fundraising to increase the amount of funds generated for your cause.

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