What are the Rules of Community Living

Cersai Stark

Cersai Stark

In simple terms, community living is about how we engage with our communities. By and large, rules are considered necessary as they help to keep society in order. In community living, no two communities have the same rules. However, most often share similar rules.


Community living
Community living


  • In community living, participation is its reward.
  • Community living embraces diverse people with common interests.
  • It is best to prepare for conflicts as they cannot be avoided.


Top 5 Rules of Community Living

In this article, we will consider some of the fundamental rules for community living that make for a strong network.

1. Have a clear vision and set of objectives

Vibrant communities have a clear vision and set of objectives. These are critical components for guiding the community to success. Firstly, create a vision statement that defines and describes specific community goals. Afterwards, provide a detailed outline of how to achieve those goals. A vision statement is one great way to clearly articulate the community’s values and what it stands for.

2. Create a mission statement

By and large, your mission statement should represent all you want the community to be or become. A mission statement also instructs new members on the core focus and emphasis of the community. Likewise, a person can learn how to connect with other members of the community.

3. Encourage the participation of all members

In community living, participation is its reward. Social or communal problems are those that affect a significant number of people. Hence, it requires varying perspectives that embrace different people and sectors. The more we interact and contribute, the stronger the community becomes.

There are various ways to encourage others to participate and stay involved in a decision process or project work. Firstly, motivation begins with an individual. Therefore, focus on the individuality of each person. Most importantly, helps others understand that they have something valuable to offer to the community and they can gain in meaningful ways when they choose to participate.

4. Prioritise value

When a community embraces value, it embraces fairness and the worth of each person. Value also entails appreciating the people involved in the community and their contribution to the overall growth of the community.

Furthermore, value means embracing change. Change is not just beneficial, it is a necessity. It is proof of progress and development. Not to mention, it encourages us to consider our current state and to look ahead as well as prepare for a better future. When we encourage change, we improve and build toward greater things.

5. Set rules for addressing conflicts

It is best to prepare for conflicts as they cannot be avoided. However, knowing what to do in advance can be your most powerful ally. Decide on the system to employ to handle member disagreements and the people to address such issues. Also, there should be set rules on accepted and non-accepted behaviours.

Community living embraces diverse people with common interests. Although everyone is given the freedom to live independently and fully engage in their communities, rules ensure that there is peace and progress. Also, every person should be able to make choices and influence the decisions that affect their lives. However, this must be done with respect for the whole members of the community.


In community living, there are countless advantages to having a good set of rules and regulations. To begin with, they contribute to a peaceful and responsible co-existence. Also, a good set of community rules communicates not only what is acceptable, but also something about the community’s character.

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