Top Five Volunteer Organizations in Barbados

Cersai Stark

Cersai Stark

Volunteer organizations are used to refer to specific types of organizations. This could be nonprofit organizations, NGOs (non-government organizations), third-sector organizations, or civil society organizations. These terms each have a slightly distinct emphasis.


Volunteer organizations
Volunteer organizations


  • Volunteer organizations have the potential to greatly impact communities.
  • Aspire Barbados helps nonprofits to address critical social and economic challenges across communities
  • The Barbados Red Cross Society is a part of the global humanitarian Movement, comprising over 17 million volunteers spread across the globe.


What are the top volunteer organizations in Barbados?

In this article, we will consider some of the volunteer organizations in Barbados that are making significant contributions both within and outside the country.

1. Heart & Stroke Foundation of Barbados

The Heart & Stroke Foundation of Barbados leverages volunteers to undertake critical projects. By and large, volunteers contribute their time and talents to carrying out community events, workshops, advocacy activities, fundraising, and education campaign among others. The organization seeks to encourage healthy lifestyles that promote healthy hearts. As a result, the foundation is involved in many healthy lifestyle initiatives.

The foundation was established in 1985 and initially began as the Heart Foundation. However, in 2006, the organization expanded to include stroke in its overall effort to combat cardiovascular diseases in Barbados. Overall, heart disease and heart attacks are identified as the leading cause of death in the country. Hence, The Heart & Stroke Foundation of Barbados continues to be at the forefront of fighting these ailments.

2. Aspire Barbados

ASPIRE Foundation was founded in 2015 by Mr. Peter Boos. The voluntary organization stands out for its international best practices in nonprofit management and the sustainability of nonprofits.

Based on research, ASPIRE Barbados discovered that most nonprofits didn’t last. With the average lifespan of nonprofits estimated at 3-5 years, the organization seeks to address the various underlying issues. Some of such include income, income sustainability, policy challenges, and administrative issues.

Basically, Aspire Barbados helps nonprofits address critical social and economic challenges across communities. The organization achieves this by linking the nonprofit leaders with skilled volunteers who share their expertise and pro bono support. Also, organizations are paired with social investors. In addition, Aspire Barbados provides seed grant funding up to US$5,000.

3. Caribbean Science Foundation

The CSF volunteers for Barbados comprise a group of dedicated individuals residing in the country. In general, these volunteers support CSF activities that prioritize science and technology projects of interest to the Barbadian community. Several times each year, volunteers come together at the CSF headquarters to discuss and implement projects.

Essentially, the Junior Robotics Camp for Barbadian students between the ages of 9 and 12 comprise their primary project. Also, in July 2015, the group launched a pilot of the Junior Robotics Camp at the Cave Hill campus of the University of the West Indies.

4. The Ark Animal Welfare Society Barbados

The Ark Animal Welfare Society was established in October 1998 to address the inhumane methods of destroying stray dogs in the country. By and large, it was reported that some 5,000 dogs were destroyed annually by gassing.

Hence, the Ark Animal Welfare Society Barbados works with volunteers to support animal rights. The volunteer group is interested in the welfare of all animals living in Barbados. All projects and activities are funded by donations and fundraising events.

5. Barbados Red Cross

The Barbados Red Cross Society is a part of the global humanitarian Movement, comprising over 17 million volunteers spread across the globe. Likewise, volunteers are referred to as the heart of the Barbados Red Cross Society. These individuals consistently contribute to the organization’s role in assisting vulnerable people in times of great need.

Barbados Red Cross Society offers various services that support vulnerable persons and communities. Also, the voluntary organization addresses both immediate and long-term needs including emergency shelter, food and medicine, restoring family contact for disaster victims, disaster preparedness, first aid training and activities, and HIV/AIDS prevention.


To summarize, volunteer organizations have the potential to greatly impact communities. Also, whether it’s the money saved by donating hours, the connections, or the much-needed services provided by volunteers, these voluntary project initiatives tend to have a measurable impact. Likewise, every activity helps to promote community development.

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