Top 5 Community Service Nonprofits in Nigeria

Jon Tyrell

Jon Tyrell

Community service NGOs work to improve the lives of individuals and communities. Their activities are oftentimes the catalyst of development. By and large, these organizations devote their lives to addressing social, economic, and environmental challenges that culminate in national growth.


Community service
Community service


  • The Nigerian Women Trust Fund works to advance women’s rights and gender parity.
  • LEAP Africa focuses on empowering youths to take on leadership roles with integrity.


What are the top five Nigerian nonprofits known for effective community service?

Nigeria has a population of approximately 210 million and is the most populous nation in Africa. Among the many struggles that characterize the nation include poverty, lack of employment opportunities, and social and political unrest. However, several charitable organizations work to bridge the gap by providing social services and support programs to assist citizens. In this article, we will consider some of the Nigerian nonprofits at the forefront of community development.

1. The Zakat and Sadaqat Foundation

The Zakat and Sadaqat Foundation is a community service nonprofit that assists the less privileged in Nigeria. The organization helps people in need of healthcare, education, and financial aid. The Foundation is based on Islamic principles of zakat and sadaqat, which are forms of charity in Islam. The organization also engages in community development and empowerment programs, providing skills training and support to small businesses.

2. The Nigerian Red Cross Society

The Nigerian Red Cross Society is a humanitarian organization that provides disaster relief, health services, and social welfare programs to people in need across the country. The organization is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, which is dedicated to alleviating human suffering. The Nigerian Red Cross Society also promotes health education and disease prevention, providing health services in remote areas and disaster-affected communities.

3. The Nigerian Women Trust Fund

The Nigerian Women Trust Fund is a nonprofit organization that focuses on promoting women’s rights and gender equality in Nigeria. The organization provides resources, training, and funding to women seeking political leadership positions, enabling them to participate in the decision-making processes that affect their lives. The Nigerian Women Trust Fund also advocates for policies and legislation that promote gender equality and empowerment.

4. LEAP Africa

LEAP Africa is a leadership development nonprofit that focuses on empowering young people to become responsible and ethical leaders. The organization provides training and mentorship programs to young people, equipping them with the skills they need to become effective leaders in their communities. LEAP Africa also promotes civic engagement, encouraging young people to participate in decision-making processes that affect their lives.

5. The Nigerian Conservation Foundation

The Nigerian Conservation Foundation is dedicated to the conservation and sustainable management of Nigeria’s natural resources. The organization works to protect and preserve Nigeria’s wildlife and biodiversity. Other initiatives include environmental education and sustainable development. The Foundation advocates for policies and legislation that support conservation efforts and sustainable management practices.


Community service nonprofits play a critical role in Nigeria, providing vital services and support to people in need across the country. The organizations highlighted in this article are just a few examples of the many community service nonprofits that are making a difference in Nigeria. By supporting these organizations, we can help to create a more equitable and sustainable future for all Nigerians.

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