Charity Grants for Nonprofits in the UK

Cersai Stark

Cersai Stark

Charity grants provide a great way for nonprofits to build credibility and establish visibility. Also, the bulk of nonprofits’ budgets is oftentimes obtained from grants. Therefore, one of the core duties of an NGO is to seek opportunities to secure grant funding.

In this article, we will outline the top 5 charity grants for nonprofits in the UK. These funding opportunities can be accessed by both small and large nonprofits as well as NGOs that serve in the community or at the national level.


Charity grants
Charity grants


  • The bulk of nonprofits’ budgets is oftentimes obtained from grants.
  • Charity grants are a great way for nonprofits to carry out major projects in the community.
  • Also, obtaining grant funding creates opportunities to gain more in the future.


Where can NGOs obtain charity grants in the UK?

The plethora of funding options across the web space can often be overwhelming for nonprofits. Hence, the five charity grants listed in this article provide NGOs with worthy options to consider. These organizations welcome nonprofits with varied objectives that seek to impact communities. 

1. Rayne Foundation 

The Rayne Foundation offers charity grants to nonprofits across the UK. The organization’s objectives include creating a community network, bridging the gap between marginalized groups and mainstream society, and empowering people to attain their goals. 

The foundation has a two-stage application process. It also welcomes untried and early-to-mid stages projects. The broad spectrum of applications comprises arts, health and wellbeing, education across all areas, and issues of social interest. 

Also, the independent grant funder welcomes nonprofits with varying objectives. NGOs that seek to impact communities, and not just their organizations can apply for the Rayne Foundation grants. 

2. The Funding Network (TFN)

The Funding Network connects potential donors to charitable causes and social entrepreneurs. TFN achieves this through crowdfunding. The network’s objective is to raise funds for small nonprofits that create great impact by driving social change. 

In addition to TFN’s support for grassroots NGOs, the foundation operates an Affiliates Program. The program seeks to empower civil society organizations through resources and skilled training on how to handle live giving circle events.

TFN was launched in 2012 and has supported thousands of social change projects both within and outside the UK. 

3. The Clothworkers’ Foundation 

The Clothworkers’ Foundation offers charity grants and funding opportunities for people and communities. The foundation through its grant funds provides better standards of living especially for the disadvantaged and marginalized. 

The foundation was established in 1977 and has awarded over £158 million in capital grants to UK-registered charities. Above all, the organization considers small and large projects for funding with no biases. 

However, the foundation considers several factors to determine the grant amount given to nonprofits. This includes the organization’s size and cost and scale of its capital project. Also, the activities of the nonprofits must be aligned with the program areas of The Clothworkers’ Foundation. 

Charities seeking to apply for grants must be included among the UK registered charities, CICs, and other registered UK not-for-profit organizations (such as special schools).

4. The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund (PWCF) 

PWCF provides charity grants to small nonprofits registered in the UK. The organization seeks to fund and assist grassroots NGOs undertaking projects in outskirt communities. 

The nonprofit entity funds projects related to heritage & conservation, education, health & well-being, social inclusion, environment, and countryside among others. 

Nonprofits may choose to apply for charity grants at any time as the PWCF provides support on a rolling basis. Nonetheless, nonprofits that choose to submit their applications a month before the small grant committee meeting will be considered for evaluation at the next meeting. 

The average single award is £2,000 while the maximum value is £5,000 and £15,000 respectively.

5. UK Aid Direct 

The UK Aid Direct is funded by the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. The organization provides charity grants to small and medium-sized nonprofits. These grant offerings also extend to 38 countries across the globe. 

UK Aid Direct has approved over 196 grants and has expended a total of £79,224,338 in funding. 


Charity grants are a great way for nonprofits to carry out major projects in the community. Also, obtaining grant funding creates more opportunities to gain more in the future. 

The charitable grants outlined in this article provide easy processes for nonprofits to apply for project funding. Are you a nonprofit in the UK seeking funding opportunities? Why not consider one of these grant options to scale your organization’s projects? 

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