Charity Grants for Nonprofits in Rwanda

Cersai Stark

Cersai Stark

Charity grants provide financial support to nonprofit organizations in need of funding. Hence, NGOs are constantly seeking grant opportunities as they are gifts that don’t require repayment. 

In this article, we will consider various charity grants that can be accessed by nonprofits in Rwanda. 


Charity grants
Charity grants


  • Nonprofits often rely on charity grants as a crucial source of funding for projects, programs, and even operating expenses. 
  • By and large, grants have become a major funding option for organizations. 


Where can NGOs obtain charity grants in Rwanda?

Grants are given out by respective organizations, including the government, major firms, businesses, foundations, educational institutions, etc.

The five charity grants outlined in this article provide funds for diverse projects and initiatives within the community and nation at large. 

1. The Goboka Rwanda Trust 

The Goboka Rwanda Trust provides assistance where it is most needed by fusing its in-depth knowledge of local needs with the power of carefully chosen partners.

In general, the Trust offers charity grants to assist in the creation of grassroots projects. As a result, it collaborates with significant institutions and people in Rwanda and the UK.

This modest UK-registered charity supports and executes projects that benefit the Rwandan people, their families, and their communities. 

2. Sigrid Rausing Trust

Sigrid Rausing Trust is a grant-making organization created in 1995 to fund initiatives within communities. The organization also offers charity grants to support diverse projects. 

In order to alleviate poverty, the trust launched Rwanda Aid in 2008 to offer housing, healthcare, education, and training. Presently, the charity operates in southwest Rwanda. Its primary focus is underprivileged populations like orphans, widows, and disabled persons. 

Overall, the Trust administers ten grant-making programs that are divided into three groups based on three themes: human rights, inclusiveness and fairness, and the environment. Likewise, the trust occasionally funds research in the humanities and other professions, such as medicine.

3. New Africa Fund (NAF)

The New Africa Fund offers charity grants to regional NGOs, CBOs, and social entrepreneurs to boost African civil society. Generally, NAF provides funding to groups that support underprivileged communities in the areas of human rights, health, and poverty reduction. 

Through the Venture Philanthropy (VP) awards, The New Africa Fund assists organizations with a distinct goal and provides them with the resources needed to expand and advance rapidly. Altogether, organizations also gain from NAF training to enhance specific areas. 

NAF empowers organizations in their overall financial systems and grants writing expertise. Nonprofits are also guided on how to create pertinent policies and training on the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) as well as the protection of children.

Nearly all types of organizations are eligible for funding, but they must be legitimately established in their respective nations. 

4. PMI Impact 

PMI IMPACT provides charity grants to support project proposals that combat illegal trade. The funding initiative is open to NGOs as well as governmental bodies, associations, academic institutions, and businesses among others. 

PMI Impact is a global campaign to support initiatives that address illegal trade and the harm it causes to people, their families, and their communities.

The organization holds a primary belief system. It posits that the elimination of criminal actions harmful to the security of the economy and society is a goal that is too difficult for one organization, government, or business to accomplish. Hence, there is a need for alliances to help develop public-private partnerships and execute effective solutions.

5. Rwanda Green Fund (FONERWA)

The Rwanda Green Fund (FONERWA) finances projects that foster transformational change in Rwanda. Likewise, the organization offers charity grants to fund initiatives that spur sustainable wealth creation and poverty reduction.

FONERWA is one of Africa’s first national investment funds for the environment and climate change. The Rwandan government established the organization in 2012 as a ground-breaking environment and climate change fund. 

Funding requests are granted after rigorous consideration to make sure that the investment would increase Rwanda’s climatic resilience.


Nonprofits often rely on charity grants as a crucial source of funding for projects, programs, and even operating expenses. By and large, grants have become a major funding option for organizations. 

The various charity grants outlined in this article welcome applications from diverse types of nonprofits in Rwanda. 

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