Zimbabwe, like most developing nations, has witnessed considerable growth in the NGO sector during the last decade. The numerous types of nonprofits in the country continue to shape the political, social and economic spheres of the nation.
The former British colony has encountered various challenges following the birth of the modern state in 1980. The authoritarian system of government that lasted several years resulted in a high unemployment rate and extreme poverty. The impact of nonprofits can be seen in their capacity to solve diverse problems that plague the nation. Zimbabwe’s nonprofits are good examples of how NGOs can help address the many issues that plague a nation.
In this article, we will outline the types of nonprofits existent in Zimbabwe and their impact in the country.

- Zimbabwe has over 1000 nongovernmental organizations spread across various sectors of society
- The many types of nonprofits are known to operate in the area of humanitarian aid, political governance, and service organizations
- International NGOs comprise 4% of the sector’s nonprofits.
Zimbabwe, like most developing nations, has witnessed considerable growth in the NGO sector during the last decade. The numerous types of nonprofits in the country continue to shape the political, social and economic spheres of the nation.
The former British colony has encountered various challenges following the birth of the modern state in 1980. The authoritarian system of government that lasted several years resulted in a high unemployment rate and extreme poverty. The impact of nonprofits can be seen in their capacity to solve diverse problems that plague the nation. Zimbabwe’s nonprofits are good examples of how NGOs can help address the many issues that plague a nation.
In this article, we will outline the types of nonprofits existent in Zimbabwe and their impact in the country.
What are the types of nonprofits in Zimbabwe?
Zimbabwe nonprofit entities can be grouped based on their registration or primary objectives. They include;
1. Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs): these types of nonprofits are registered under the Private and Voluntary Organizations Act. The law requires that they perform charity, humanitarian work, and human rights work to serve the public, individuals, and families. They must also be registered entities under the PVO act. Nonprofits who undertake PVO activities without registration can be penalized.
2. Trusts: these types of nonprofits are registered by the Registrar of Deeds under the Deeds Registries Act. Trusts may possess vast objectives and are aimed at profiting a particular constituency. A trust can be created to serve either a private or charitable purpose. The trust deed reveals if a trust is created for any of the aforementioned purposes.
Also, a trust does not possess an independent legal personality. However, it may embark on contracts in its own name if authorized by the trust deed.
The trust form can be employed to register organizations having challenges with registration under the PVO Act.
3. Common Law Universitas: these types of nonprofit comprises unregistered organizations that still possess a common-law persona. Universitas have members and a constitution but they are not regulated by Statute. They are nonetheless a product of Common Law.
A universitas is formed when there is an entity with a constitution and members that come together to solve a common goal. Activities in a universitas are solely for the benefit of its members.
These nonprofits are the easiest to create with just two or three partner agreements. The partners also collectively formulate the modus operandi of the entity. Although these NGOs are relatively easy to create, very few operate under this kind of establishment. Examples include church-related NGOs and the National Constitution Assembly.
How many nonprofits exist in Zimbabwe?
Zimbabwe has over 1000 nongovernmental organizations spread across various sectors of society. The many types of nonprofits are known to operate in the area of humanitarian aid, political governance, and service organizations.
International NGOs comprise 4% of the sector’s nonprofits. The UNOCHA Zimbabwe Humanitarian Contact Directory recorded over 93 international NGOs operating in Zimbabwe. These multinational entities serve in the area of agriculture, health, protection, food, nutrition, water sanitation and education.
PVOs have the highest number of nonprofits in the country comprising more than 80% of NGOs. A large number of PVOs are community-based NGOs. Trusts and Unions on the other hand comprise just five per cent of the total nonprofits.
NGOs continue to record significant growth over the recent decade in both developed market economies and transition nations. Zimbabwe is one of such countries where nonprofits have become effective channels in the provision of health, social and educational services to the community. Although a large portion of them operate on a small scale, they nonetheless continue to impact the community due to their closeness in proximity.
However, the recurring rivalry between NGOs in Zimbabwe and the government has created an unhealthy system for the sector. Thus, NGOs are hindered from fully performing their roles. This has led to the close down of some nonprofits in the nation. The unstable political environment continues to create an undercurrent of tension. Consequently, nonprofits’ impacts are impeded resulting in the suffering of thousands and millions of citizens.
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