Pactman Blog

Best Online Fundraising Platforms for Nonprofits

Online fundraising platforms provide the necessary software tools for nonprofits to receive online donations. Crowdfunding has become one of the primary mechanisms for raising money. Therefore, critical factors must be considered in the choice of platform. Also, online fundraising provides an opportunity for organizations to

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Top 5 Global Companies That Donate to Nonprofits

NGOs are a major contributor to societal change. Hence, several organizations and global conglomerates have recognized the need to donate to nonprofits. The impact of charitable organizations can therefore be attributed to the efforts of these companies. In this article, we will consider some of

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Top 5 Google Nonprofit Grants for Charities

Several organizations recognize the need to contribute to the advancement of NGOs through grants and voluntary support. The Google nonprofit grants stand out among the many as their offerings can be accessed in more than 65 countries. Also, no application fees are required to benefit

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Types of Nonprofits in the Philippines

A country’s prevalent cultures as well as economic and social norms influence and/or determine the types of nonprofits that exist within its region. The Philippines is a third-world nation. Hence, the country continues to tackle increasing unemployment rates, and slow economic development compounded by high

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Types of Nonprofits in Pakistan

Charitable giving and philanthropy in Pakistan is unlike many countries. Religious underpinnings seem to be the bane that shapes and influences the various types of nonprofits in the country. The heavy criticism that follows the activities of modern NGO practices asides from religious laws has

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Types of Nonprofits in the UK

The emergence of diverse types of nonprofits in the UK can be attributed to the country’s robust tradition of charity and volunteering. These organizations are frequently ranked among the top charities across the globe. The lifestyle of generosity is often said to be the legacy

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Types of Nonprofits in Jamaica

There are many types of nonprofits in Jamaica, each with a unique mission and purpose. From environmental groups to animal rescue organizations, there is a nonprofit for everyone in Jamaica. This diversity is what makes the nonprofit sector so important in Jamaica.  The nonprofit sector

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Types of Nonprofits in South Africa

Nicknamed the Rainbow nation, South Africa is a country with a vibrant culture and an amazing landscape. But this article has less to do with the topography and more to with Nonprofits in South Africa.  There are various types of Nonprofits in South Africa and

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How to Register a NonProfit in America

America is a massive country with a teeming population of about 331 million people. In the United States of America, there are approximately 1.6 million Nonprofit organizations in operation. Right across the country, there are a wide variety of non profit initiatives cutting across various

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Types of Nonprofits in the United States

Nongovernmental organizations are established to support and enhance social change. These institutions seek to solve and address the needs and interests of individuals as well as societies. The many types of nonprofits that exist in the United States have become key players in advancing the

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Our vision is to be a force for the greater good. Specifically, our goal is to make it easier to bridge the gap between global donors and nonprofits in local communities

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