Mental Health Charities to Support in Burundi

Jon Tyrell

Jon Tyrell

Mental health issues constitute a widespread challenge and Burundi is not exempt. Burundi is a developing nation that relies on aid from other developed and developing countries. Although the nation is known for its war reoccurrence, issues related to psychological well-being also remain a topical issue.


mental health
Mental health


  • The fight for psychological well-being solutions and recovery is demanding and requires special treatment.
  • The IOM focuses on helping Burundi returnees recover from the war shocks they experienced in the country.

Mental Health Charities in Burundi that Need Support

During the war outbreak in Burundi, organisations from different parts of the world deployed professionals to detect and treat people suffering from psychological well-being issues. Below are charities and organisations working to address mental health issues in Burundi. 

1. Human Health Aid-Burundi

Human Health Aid- Burundi develops and implements sustainable structures to provide psychosocial and psychological well-being services in the country. This charitable organisation works hard to help communities in Burundi recover from the trauma they experienced during the war breakout. Various communities fled their homes due to fear and to escape injuries and death. As a result, several individuals are suffering from mental challenges. 

Human Health Aid-Burundi works with communities to assist them in regaining their mental sanity. Their services primarily focus on women and children through education initiatives and giving words of encouragement.

2. Mindshift Burundi

This organisation provides support to people experiencing psychological well-being distress in Burundi communities. They work with mental health professionals to train Burundi scouts to raise awareness concerning mental health preventive solutions.

Essentially, Mindshift works to reduce stigma in Burundi communities. Hence, the nonprofit educates families and communities on the disadvantages of stigmatisation in their society. Also, they encourage host communities to respect and regard the mentally ill person.

3. ReliefWeb

ReliefWeb addresses mental health issues faced by Burundi communities due to the war outbreak. This organisation has been supporting the psychosocial well-being of the citizens. In addition, the organisation trains professionals to detect and treat mental health issues in communities. The goal is to pave the way for individuals and families to access psychological well-being. This training program cuts across Burundi and its environment.

4. International Organization for Migration (IOM)

The IOM focuses on helping Burundi returnees recover from the war shocks they experienced in the country. Also, the IOM services assist Burundi returnees in building a new society for themselves and working toward stable peace and co-existence among clans and communities in the future. Supporting this organisation will help families and communities rebuild their society and stay under the canopy of mental sanity and peace.


The above mental health charities contribute to the welfare of Burundi citizens. The fight for psychological well-being solutions and recovery is demanding and requires special treatment. With the intervention of these charities and organisations, there’s hope for the common people in Burundi. 

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