Top Five Volunteer Organizations in Canada

Cersai Stark

Cersai Stark

Communities would be unable to host large-scale events without the help of volunteers and volunteer organizations. Likewise, these events help to generate revenue and other economic benefits for communities. Volunteers are essential not just to the success of a community program, but also to ensuring that individuals feel more connected to their community.


Volunteer Organizations
Volunteer Organizations


  • Volunteers can be an organization’s best ambassadors.
  • Since 1987, Sunshine has been working to improve the lives of kids and youth in Canada living with severe physical disabilities.
  • Volunteer Canada is a registered charity that works to provide national leadership and expertise on volunteerism.


What are the top five volunteer organizations in Canada?

In this article, we will consider some of the volunteer organizations in Canada that leverage volunteers to impact social development.

1. The Inside Influence 

The Inside Influence undertakes evidence-based programs through the help of volunteers to guide incarcerated individuals as they work toward a certification, credential, or degree in their desired skill area. By and large, the organization works with thousands of volunteers to impact lives, strengthen communities, curtail criminal behaviors, and improve criminal justice outcomes. The volunteer team is open to people with skills in trades like plumbing, welding, and construction as well as those with academic and professional abilities like financial literacy, typing, writing, and more.

2. Sunshine Canada 

Since 1987, Sunshine has been working to improve the lives of kids and youth in Canada living with severe physical disabilities. Hundreds of recipients have benefited from the organization’s Sunshine Dream Program. Of course, volunteers are at the heart of Sunshine. These individuals spread across the nation share their valuable time and skills to support the organization’s programs. Overall, volunteers help with planning events, engaging their communities, and assisting with Sunshine’s local programs.

3. Volunteer Canada

Volunteer Canada is a registered charity that works to provide national leadership and expertise on volunteerism. The organization seeks to increase the participation, quality, and diversity of volunteer experiences. Since 1977, Volunteer Canada has worked with volunteer centers, businesses, non-profit organizations, government, and educational institutions. The goal is to promote and broaden volunteering in the country. Also, the organization’s programs, research tools, and national initiatives provide enlightenment on issues and trends in Canada’s volunteer landscape.

To honor the millions of Canadians who volunteer their time and effort, Volunteer Canada sponsors a number of campaigns throughout the year. The campaign also provides support to individuals and organizations that engage volunteers.

4. Mary’s Meals 

Mary’s Meals leverages the funds, skills, time, resources, and goods donated by volunteers to deliver meals to children while they learn. By and large, the organization is entirely run by local communities and volunteers across the globe. More often than not, meals are made with locally sourced food to support the local economy.

5. Go Volunteer

Go Volunteer connects volunteers with nonprofit organizations. The hub is the go-to place for nonprofits to connect with volunteer-based resources in British Columbia. Overall, Go Volunteer has connected over 1.8 million individuals to nonprofits and charities who have contributed their time and skills to support various initiatives. The organization stands out as one of the most trusted charities providing digital volunteer engagement solutions across Canada.


To sum up, volunteers provide their time and skills to organizations while also using their existing networks and connections. Without a doubt, volunteers can be an organization’s best ambassadors.

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