The Role of Businesses in Charity Causes

Jon Tyrell

Jon Tyrell

This article will explore the relationship between business and charity causes. Also, we will highlight the best practices and success stories. The goal is to emphasize the importance of understanding the nuances of effective engagement with charity causes. In addition, we will emphasize effective ways businesses can responsibly impact communities and the world.


charity causes
charity causes


  • Businesses contribute to charity through financial donations
  • Microsoft gives back by making technology affordable


How Businesses Can Make a Difference through Charity

There are three primary ways in which businesses can contribute to charity causes. They include: 

  • Financial contributions  
  • Volunteer programs. 
  • Leveraging their influence for charity awareness. 

Charitable Giving Best Practices for Businesses

Also, businesses can adopt these practices listed below for effective charitable giving:

  1. Strategic Alignment: The charitable activities of businesses should align with their core values and mission. In addition, businesses should ensure that these initiatives ring a genuine note with their brand identity.


  1. Transparency and Accountability: Maintaining transparent charitable contributions programs enhances trust. Clearly outline the impact of the donations and how they fit in with charitable objectives.


  1. Employee Engagement: Promote and sponsor employees’ contributions to social programs. This creates a sense of common purpose, increases morale, and makes the company more committed to social responsibility.


  1. Long-Term Partnerships: Developing lifelong associations with established charities enables businesses to make a long-lasting impact. The long-term commitment is usually more substantial and enduring to both parties.


  1. Innovative Giving Models: Look for innovative ways to give back. One good example is cause-related marketing where profits from selling a product go towards charity. This helps the charity and increases the company’s brand image.


  1. Skill-Based Volunteering: Employers should spur employees to contribute their professional skills towards the development of charitable projects. This strategy uses the inherent expertise available in a company to provide benefits to charitable organizations.


  1. Measurable Impact: Use systems to monitor and assess the effect of charitable activities. This data-driven focus enables businesses to hone their strategies to ensure maximum efficiency in achieving social goals.


Top Businesses that Contribute to Charity Causes

The businesses listed below stand out for their significant contributions to charity organizations:

1. TOMS Shoes

Impact: The “One for One” model was developed by TOMS, where it donated one shoe to a needy child and then expanded into eyewear and coffee depicting an overall social impact.

2. Microsoft

Impact: Microsoft Philanthropies is utilizing technology to counter global challenges by making technology affordable and providing digital skills training and nonprofit resources.

3. Patagonia

Impact: Patagonia is a company dedicated to sustainable and ethical business practices; the organization donates a portion of its profits to solving environmental issues and advocating environmental protection. 


Impact: The philanthropic arm of provides Impact Challenge grants for organizations using technology to do good through initiatives such as education empowerment, economic opportunity, and crisis response.

5. IKEA Foundation

Impact: The organization works to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and families worldwide. IKEA focuses on quality education, renewable energy solutions, and support for refugees.

6. Ben & Jerrys

Impact: Other than ice cream, the  Ben & Jerry brand is also committed to social justice as it supports causes such as climate justice, racial equity, and fair trade practices by promoting activism and advocacy.

7. Unilever

Impact: The Sustainable Living Plan at Unilever emphasizes ecological sustainability and social impact.


To sum up, business and philanthropy have become more interrelated. By and large, businesses can impact society by embracing business initiatives, partnerships, and social causes.

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