How to Analyze Your Nonprofit Google Ads

Jon Tyrell

Jon Tyrell

Google ads constitute a crucial marketing tool for people, organizations, and even charities. Essentially, these ads provide an effective way to reach and engage more audiences. 


Google Ads
Google Ads


  • A successful Google ads campaign would require proper monitoring and analysis of its performance.
  • The value of conversions should always be greater than the cost of the ads.


How to Measure the Success of Your Google Ads

It is best to measure the outcome of your Google ads to ensure that you do not incur a loss. By and large, a successful Google ads campaign would require proper monitoring and analysis of its performance. Hence, in this article, we will highlight effective ways to measure your Google ads campaign.

1. Monitoring the conversion tracking

To begin with, you’ll need to set up your conversion data before you can commence the monitoring process. You can read this article from Google to gain a good understanding of how to go about the setup process. You should note that the setup is different depending on the type of conversion that you’re tracking.

Also, it is important to know that a conversion happens every time your ad achieves its purpose. This could be purchases, phone calls, app downloads, etc. Monitoring the conversion data is quite easy.

There is a column called the “Conversions” column. This column shows you the number of conversions received. You can also customize how the “Conversions” column data is tracked with these settings: “Include in Conversions” and “Attribution model.”

Besides the aforementioned settings, several other related columns use your conversion data to give you more info. These include conversion rate, cost per conversion, value per conversion, etc.

2. Checking the Quality Score

Google uses a measurement called Quality Score. It is an estimate of the relevance of your ads, keywords, and landing page to the person viewing it. Having a high-quality score means more cost-effective ads.

To improve your quality score, there are two primary things to consider:

  • The first is using keywords your audience is likely to include in their searches. Google Keyword Planner is a very useful tool for this. 
  • The second is to create ads relevant to your keywords.
3. Measuring your ROI

ROI stands for Return On Investment. This means the ratio of your net profit to your costs. Hence, whether you use Google ads to generate leads, increase sales, or other purposes, it’s still a good idea to measure your ROI.

The ROI is one of the most important factors to measure. This is because it’s based on advertising goals and it captures real-time advertising efforts (how much profit you are making).

The value of conversions should always be greater than the cost of the ads. For example, as a nonprofit, you spent $100 for 50 clicks. Then, out of the 50 clicks, you got 4 persons to support your cause with a total sum of $500. 

Now, that is a good ROI because the nonprofit has made $400 in profit which can be used for charitable causes.

4. Making Proper Analysis of The Search Terms Report

The search terms report is a list of search terms used by people that triggered your ad. It shows how closely they align with your account’s keywords. As a result, analyzing this report helps to refine match types. It also optimizes the budget by ensuring the ad appears for the right searches. 


To sum up, we have highlighted the different ways nonprofits can measure their Google ads progress. Also, the various terms and measuring factors in this article will provide an effective way to ensure a successful ad campaign. 

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