Best Animal Charities to Donate to in Ghana

Jon Tyrell

Jon Tyrell

Animal charities in Ghana are known for their dedication to safeguarding the welfare and conservation of the country’s precious wildlife. These organizations play a vital role in rescuing injured animals, raising awareness about animal rights, and promoting sustainable practices. Discover some of the best animal charities to support in Ghana and make a meaningful impact on their noble initiatives.


Animal charities
Animal charities


  • GSPCA rescues and rehabilitates abused and neglected animals.
  • Operation Smile Ghana provided surgeries on animals.


Ghana’s Top Animal Charities

As animal lovers and advocates, it’s important to ensure that we extend our compassion and support to all creatures, no matter where they are in the world. Here are some of the animal charities in Ghana that are worthy of support.

1. Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission

The Wildlife Division is a government agency responsible for the conservation and management of wildlife in Ghana. The organization works tirelessly to protect endangered species, combat wildlife trafficking, and promote sustainable wildlife management. Donations to the Wildlife Division help to support various initiatives such as anti-poaching patrols, habitat restoration, and community education programs.

2. Ghana Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (GSPCA)

GSPCA is a non-profit organization that aims to improve the welfare of animals across Ghana. The organization provides rescue and rehabilitation support for abused and neglected animals. Also, GSPCA conducts spay/neuter campaigns to control the stray population, and offer veterinary services to communities in need. Donations to GSPCA enable them to expand their outreach efforts, rescue more animals, and provide medical care to those in distress.

3. A Rocha Ghana

A Rocha is an international Christian conservation organization that operates in various countries, including Ghana. Their projects prioritize the safeguarding of natural habitats and promoting environmental education. A Rocha is involved in protecting coastal ecosystems and wetlands, which are crucial for the survival of many bird species and marine life in Ghana. Donations to A Rocha Ghana contribute to their conservation efforts and help to create sustainable livelihoods for local communities.

4. WAPCA (West African Primate Conservation Action)

WAPCA is dedicated to the protection of endangered primates in West Africa, including Ghana. Their conservation efforts focus on education, research, and habitat preservation to ensure the survival of these magnificent creatures. Donations to WAPCA provide support for their primate rehabilitation centers, community engagement programs, and anti-hunting patrols, all of which play a vital role in saving Ghana’s primates from extinction.

5. Operation Smile Ghana

While not solely an animal charity, Operation Smile Ghana is worth the recognition. The organization provides free cleft lip and palate surgeries to animals in need. Animals, too, can suffer from facial deformities, and Operation Smile Ghana’s expertise in reconstructive surgeries extends to animals as well. The organization has successfully treated animals with cleft palates, giving them a second chance at a healthy life. Donations to Operation Smile Ghana help fund surgeries for both humans and animals in need.


Supporting animal charities in Ghana is a meaningful way to contribute to the welfare and conservation of wildlife in the region. From protecting endangered species to rescuing abused animals and promoting sustainable practices, these charities are known for their significant impact. By donating to these organizations, you’re also contributing to safeguarding Ghana’s diverse and precious animal life.

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