Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) constitutes a company’s voluntary efforts to enhance its community’s quality of life. This could be through social, environmental, or economic programs. Essentially, socially responsible enterprises make deliberate efforts to impact their region of operation.

- The interrelationships between the community, the workplace, and the employee tend to impact the health and performance of a business as a whole
- As part of its objectives for sustainable production, BMW is experimenting with various sources of alternative energy across its industrial network
- Vancity was recognized as one of Canada’s greenest employers in 2015
Top ten most socially responsible Canadian businesses
Undoubtedly, CSR initiatives strengthen stakeholder relations and make a business more sustainable. Not to mention, it creates new opportunities and fosters consumer loyalty.
With that being said, we will consider ten Canadian organizations that stand out for their socially responsible initiatives.
1. PepsiCo
Global water shortage has been a key area of attention for this international food and beverage firm. Also, the supply chain of PepsiCo is managed by several different programs. For instance, 75% of the water used in the company’s Colombian manufacturing facilities is recycled. In addition, the Gatorade bottles are cleansed with air rather than water. PepsiCo also cut down on the amount of water used in its operations by an estimated 14 billion liters globally.
2. Maple Leaf Foods
Leading producer of consumer proteins, Maple Leaf Foods is known for its premium culinary items. In addition, the enterprise has revealed its long-term commitment to advancing sustainable food security. Hence, the Maple Leaf Centre for Action on Food Security, a registered charity run by an impartial Board of Directors, was established by the firm in late 2016. The agency aims to reduce food insecurity in Canada by 50% before 2030 while supporting important policies.
3. L’Oreal
In April 2005, L’Oreal announced that it had cut production-related CO2 emissions by 50%. Also, the corporation created 54,000 jobs for members of underserved communities who were struggling financially or socially. Even more, 67% of L’oreal’s new goods promote environmental or social sustainability.
4. Kinross Gold Corporation
This renowned gold firm is situated in Toronto. To better understand how its operations impact communities, Kinross established Site Responsibility Plans (SRP). Essentially, the business develops initiatives to minimize the effects of its commercial activities while fostering local employment prospects. In 2010, Kinross joined the Global Compact of the United Nations.
5. Vancouver City Savings Credit Union (Vancity)
Vancity is one of the largest community credit unions in Canada. Likewise, the financial cooperative is known for its unique socially responsible initiatives across the country. Vancity was recognized as one of Canada’s greenest employers in 2015. The corporation incorporates environmental, social, and governance concerns into its investment decisions.
Vancity was also praised for maintaining a corporate goal of at least 70% recycling of office waste. In addition, this sustainable business provides green financial solutions, such as financing incentives for eco-friendly home improvements.
6. BMW
As part of its objectives for sustainable production, BMW is experimenting with various sources of alternative energy across its industrial network. The company signed the 2014 Automotive Industry Action Group guiding principles to improve supply chain sustainability performance. This ensures that BMW adheres to the minimum standards required by the industry for corporate ethics, working conditions, human rights, and environmental impact. Not to mention, BMW ensured that the standards were incorporated throughout the company’s whole supply chain.
7. Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp.
Pacific Roubles formed a gender committee to adopt several initiatives and strategies. The aim is to advance gender equality within the corporation and the communities where it conducts business. Also, the Toronto-based Pacific Rubiales releases yearly staff statistics, which include demographics like age, gender, and the proportion of women in leadership roles. The corporation holds that there are some deeply ingrained disparities between men and women. Hence, the business is dedicated to advancing greater equality.
8. Intel
This socially responsible business is known to post its environmental audit reports online. Also, site-specific data on measures including water use, recycled waste, and emissions are updated quarterly.
As one of the biggest businesses on the planet, Intel takes its responsibility to the world seriously. The business records its energy use and emissions and releases comprehensive environmental impact statistics for more than ten of its manufacturing plants across the world.
9. Canadian Tire (CTC)
As a renowned retailer in Canada, Canadian Tire influences change by lowering greenhouse gas emissions within its company. Also, the enterprise utilizes its expertise, technologies, and connections to ensure that its partners and clients have a reduced environmental effect. CTC views tackling plastics, waste, and the circularity of its goods as both a responsibility and an opportunity.
10. Zara
Zara works with farmers on training initiatives for sustainable agriculture as a member of the Better Cotton Initiative. Recently, it began a project to aid co-ops in Odisha, India, by educating female farmers on how to create and preserve organic cotton seed banks, which lowers farm running expenses and raises profitability.
It has been established that the interrelationships between the community, the workplace, and the employee have an impact on the health and performance of a business as a whole. Hence, organizations must seek ways to incorporate and improve their socially responsible initiatives.
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